Caring for the Whole Family Unit

Pediatric nurse

I brought my infant daughter, Elise, in for a sick visit one summer. We didn’t know what was wrong, and as we were waiting she began to vomit. It was everywhere – on me, on her, and all over the waiting room. As we began to clean up, Jen, one of the pediatric nurses, took off her undershirt for me to wear. We had to head down to UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh for further testing, and I would not be able to go home.

While we have always received exceptional physical care for our daughter, one of the nurses literally gave me the shirt off her back, an act of compassion that truly demonstrates UPMC Children's Community Pediatrics’ care for the whole person, including the family unit.

Elisabeth, UPMC Children's Community Pediatrics – Pittsburgh Pediatrics

New to having a child with disabilities, Lori became educated and confident in caring for her daughter by listening to Dr. Gotkiewicz’s explanations and expertise.
Dr. Stewart’s rapid recognition, extra effort and quick connections gave Jessica’s son prompt support.
For Laura, Dr. Gatial provided more than great care. He provided support for the whole family.