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Care Coordination

One portion of the Primary Care Medical Home

By functioning as your Primary Care Medical Home, UPMC Children's Community Pediatrics puts your child at the center of health care decision-making. At the core of the medical home is care coordination. Throughout our network, our offices have unique care coordination nurses who will work with our physicians to assess our patient’s needs and offer them services to achieve the best outcome.

If your UPMC CCP physician recommends that your child see a specialist, have a test done or perhaps go on a new medication, our care coordination nurses will help guide you through any difficulties that may occur.

For example, if your child is referred to a specialist, and after you call the specialist you have difficulty scheduling an appointment, our nurses can call on your behalf and try to make the process a bit smoother.

The care coordination nurses may also:

  • Ensure that your child receives quality care, in as short of a time frame as possible, across the UPMC CCP network and other community resources
  • Provide patients and their families with support
  • Work to improve a patient’s emotional, mental and physical health
  • Communicate with insurance companies, public health agency care managers and others
  • Maximize resources and services available
  • Facilities obtaining durable medical equipment and supplies
  • Assist with letters of medical necessity or insurance authorizations

Whether your child has an ongoing condition – such as asthma – or is experiencing an acute care situation – such as a broken bone – UPMC CCP will work with you to make sure your child receives the best possible care.

If you are having difficulty understanding next steps from your physician, or cannot get the scheduling priorities your child needs, please contact your pediatric office today to speak with a care coordination nurse.

Note: If your child is experiencing a medical emergency, dial 9-1-1 immediately or visit your closest emergency department.