School Safety: Going To and From School

Whether you travel to and from school by bus, by vehicle, by bicycle or by foot, check out these safety tips for each type of transportation below.

School Bus

  • Try to avoid walking to and from the bus stop alone – walk with a family member or friend.
  • Avoid being in a hurry by allowing yourself enough time to arrive to the bus stop at least five minutes early.
  • Look left, right, then left again before crossing a street.
  • Don’t go toward the bus until it has completely stopped, its door is open and its safety lights are flashing.
  • Stay within the bus driver’s view at all times, and only walk in front of the bus – not behind it.
  • If you happen to drop something by the bus, tell the driver first before picking it up.
  • Respect the driver and follow the rules: remain seated, don’t stick anything out of the windows and speak quietly so the driver can focus.


  • A seatbelt should be worn at all times.
  • Eliminate distractions while driving, such as changing the radio station or playing music at a loud level.
  • Avoid texting while driving – it’s against the law and will cost you money in fines.


  • Make sure your helmet is approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and that it is worn every time you ride your bike, no matter the distance.
  • It’s best to ride your bike when it is light outside. Wear brightly colored or reflective clothing when possible to make yourself most visible to others.
  • Routinely check your bike’s condition, paying attention to the tires, seat, brakes and handlebar height.
  • Stop and look both ways before crossing the street, stop at all intersections and use hand signals when turning.

On Foot

  • Walk the route first to ensure it is free of hazards, has good visibility, pedestrian room at a safe distance from traffic and doesn’t have any dangerous crossings. A well-trained crossing guard should be at every intersection.
  • Avoid walking to school alone – walk with a family member or friend(s).
  • Dress in brightly colored clothing when possible to make yourself most visible to others.
  • Make sure you are prepared for changing conditions. Wear warm clothing if you’re walking in cold weather or have a water bottle with you when walking in hot weather.
  • Have a backup transportation plan when there is bad weather.