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Valentine’s Day Blues

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you may expect for love to be in the air. And while it might be for some, the holiday can bring about disappointment and bullying for others. Here are a few things that may occur depending on your child's age and how to address them.

Cards and Goodies

At a young age, your child likely gives away cards or goodies to everyone in class, but that doesn't mean that they won't feel left out if someone gets an extra special gift. Talk to your child beforehand about the holiday, explaining that some kids in class who are close friends may exchange extra special gifts and that’s okay.


As your child enters middle school or high school, the school may do promotions such as candy-grams or flower giveaways. These promotions can be a fun way to show friendship or admiration to classmates, but again, you child’s expectations may be high.

If your tween or teen is upset they didn’t receive one, talk to them about it openly. Maybe it is rooted in a difficulty with a friend or a crush not following through. These times give you the opportunity to broach difficult topics with your child.

Social Influences

At an older age, social media may start to have an impact. Whether your child is in a relationship, or perhaps wishes he or she was, seeing photos and messages on social media may give him or her a feeling of isolation or loneliness. Explain to your child that Valentine’s Day is just one day out of the year, and what they see online may not be all they think it is.

No matter the age, encourage your child to make sure no one feels left out or bullied on Valentine' Day. Instead of your child focusing on what they may or may not receive, have them take advantage of spreading the holidays' message of love and inclusion.