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Hearing Health

Protect your Child’s Hearing this Summer

With school out for the summer, your children will probably be out and about doing all kinds of activities. While it is great that your children are being active and social, it is important you take into consideration the noise levels of the activities they are participating in. Frequent exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss over time, so it is crucial to protect your children’s hearing at a young age. Here are some common summer activities that could damage your children’s hearing, and ways you can help protect them from hearing loss later on in life.


While children want to be as close up to the performer as possible, being farther back in the crowd is a better option. If they want to be close to the stage, make sure they stay away from the speakers and choose their seats more toward the middle. Also, encourage your children to attend outdoor concerts rather than indoor, as outdoor concerts are easier on the ears. No matter the venue or seat location, your children should always wear earplugs to concerts, as they actually help increase the sound quality.

Riding ATVs

Your children should always wear a helmet when riding ATVs, not only to protect their heads, but also to protect their hearing from the loud wind. There are several helmets to choose from, including ones that have built-in noise reduction technology. In addition, make sure your children wear earplugs. Store-bought foam earplugs don’t cost a lot of money and they do a good job of lessening sound pressure in ears.


While swimming isn’t a noisy activity, your children are at risk of getting swimmer’s ear. Swimmer’s ear happens when water left in the ear causes bacterial infections. After swimming, teach your children to remove water from their ears by tilting their head and pressing their palm to their ear like a suction cup. If you think one of your children has swimmer’s ear, make sure it is treated immediately. Minor infections are usually treated with ear drops, but if left untreated, it can cause more serious infections that could damage your child’s hearing.

Mowing the lawn

Make sure your children wear protective ear gear or noise-cancelling headphones while mowing the lawn. If your yard is larger and takes a long time to mow, your children should take a break to limit continuous exposure. If you have a loud gas lawn mower, consider buying a quieter electric one that is easier on the ears.

Sporting events

Sporting events tend to be loud due to announcers, music and screaming fans. Make sure your children take earplugs with them and sit away from loudspeakers.


If your children are going away to camp, find out from the counselor ahead of time what activities will be taking place. Pack earplugs and ear drops and teach your children how to use them both in case they are needed.