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Detecting Seasonal Allergies in Your Child

Seasonal allergies can sometimes get the best of us—including our kids. Make sure you know all of the signs to watch out for to determine if your child is experiencing more than just the common cold.

Itchy Eyes

Itchy, irritated eyes are rarely associated with a cold. This is almost always a tell-tale sign that your child has seasonal allergies.

Time of Year

It’s important to pay attention to the time of year your child seems to be sniffling more. If he or she comes down with a “cold” most years around the same time, it could be an indicator that it’s allergies vs. a cold.


There are two types of mucus to watch out for. If your child is coughing and blowing their nose with discolored mucus, it’s a sign of infection or the common cold. If he or she is experiencing coughing and sneezing with clear mucus, it’s probably allergies.


Fevers should never be associated with seasonal allergies. If your child has been sneezing accompanied by a fever, it’s probably not allergies.

Duration of Symptoms

If your child has been sniffling for weeks, it could be a sign of allergies. The common cold should start to improve after 5-7 days, with symptoms often lasting 10-14 days.

If you think your child is experiencing seasonal allergies, talk to your pediatric provider about possible treatment options.